Thursday, December 22, 2011

Leaving is scary.

Stop packing up my toys mummy.  It's scary

When Frankie said this today it made my heart hurt.  Actual, real, physical pain in my chest.  This fueled that ever-present niggling feeling inside that I am The Worst Mother Ever and am destroying any chance that my children will have of growing up to be normal and balanced people.  And then I went to Altona Gate and felt all righteous again after a quick stint in the playground there.

Packing has been going on for weeks.  We have sorted everything in our lives into 4 neat piles - I need this all the time, I need this in 6-8 weeks when the shipping container comes in, I need this when we get back, and I don't think I ever really needed this but hopefully someone at the op-shop does.  The op-shop is going to be sitting pretty.  Saying goodbye to the stuff is easy.  Pleasing even.  If a bit of a pain in the arse to sort out.  But as the leave date gets closer, we've started to say goodbye to people; and that IS scary.

1 comment:

  1. hooray! i'm so pleased that you've started a blog! just read through all the entries so far, awesome to catch up on how you are all doing. xx
