Monday, May 7, 2012

Lovely Langkawi!

While my parents were here visiting we took a mini-break with them for 4 nights to the island of Langkawi in Malaysia.  Oscar has been keen on snorkeling ever since we went to Borneo, and we'd heard there were some nice spots here... and it was only an hour flight from Singapore - THE perfect length when traveling with a two year old!  Unfortunately the snorkeling trip was about 10 hours in total - which we thought might be a bit long for Oscar, but we did get some spectacular sunsets, monkeys, swimming, some not-so-good snorkeling, eagle feeding, parasailing, a lovely swim in a waterfall and cheap cheap food!  And by some amazeballs lucky break, I managed to not get food poisoning - that is a first for me when traveling!  Everything there apart from the accommodation is dirt cheap - cocktails were about SG$6 in the resort, a boat trip around the islands about SG$10, and you could probably find cheaper if you went looking.  An easy holiday - we hired a car as there isn't much traffic, there was plenty to do, and amazing views - perfect for our last trip before baby.  P.S. The lovely sunset shots below was the ACTUAL view from our villa on the beach - so you should be feeling very jealous looking at them ; )  And thanks to dad for some of the photos!

x Amelia

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