Oscar loves his boy toys like Transformers and Lego, but picked ceramics as his extra curricular activity at school, and loves to play kitchen with his baby sister. He can remember a thousand boring bloody facts about the Titanic (one of his current obsessions), yet cannot ever remember to close the kitchen door because we have the air-conditioning on in the other room. He loves reading to his baby sister and snuggling in her bed with her during stories, but she is not EVER allowed to go into his room and touch his stuff. He is bright, loving, grumpy and funny (the other day we commented how he could possibly fit so much food in his tummy, and his reply was that he DID just do a big poo you know!). He is our perfect little boy who didn't speak until he was over 2 and now never shuts up. Happy Birthday Oscar!
Happy 7th Birthday Oscar. |